Each batten has mechanical pin marks
as a nailing guide. Each mark runs
vertical to the batten; the same
direction as the flutes.
The nail markings are placed on the
batten according to the Fastening
Guide (Figure 2).
The Wrong and Right way to place
fasteners on the batten are shown below.
Each batten has nail markings. Each
mark runs vertical to the batten; the
same direction as the flutes. Figure 1
shows the proper placement of fasteners.
The nail markings are placed on the
batten according to the Fastening
Guide Figure 2.
Important: If you are double
felting or installing on a pitch of
7/12 or greater, 1-1/2-inch-long staples
should be used.
Air pressure should be adjusted so
staple is flush with the surface of the
BattenUP battens must be fastened
with 1-1/2-inch-long or longer,
1-inch-crown staples.
1-1/2-inch-long or longer, 7/16-inch-crown
staples can be used.
Battens are to be fastened at
6-inches on center with the outside
fasteners placed 1-inch from the outside
edge of the batten. From left to right
staples will be placed as follows: 1",
6", 12", 18", 24", 30", 36", 42", 47"
Safety: Plastic, wood dust and
construction debris should be blown off
of the roof deck for safety purposes.
Wear safety glasses to protect eyes. The
battens and roof can be slippery when

should straddle vertical partitions.